The Table Bay’s Ombré Chia Breakfast Sundae

Source: Table Bay Hotel

Eating dessert for breakfast is usually a no-no. But Table Bay Chef Keshan Rambarun says sweet treats don’t have to be guilty pleasures. By experimenting with fresh ingredients, textures and flavours having something sweet for breakfast can be both healthy and indulgent. One of the sweet breakfast innovations on the Table Bay menu is his Ombré Chia Breakfast Sundae, which is full of healthy, energy-giving ingredients.

Ombré Chia Breakfast Sundae


2 tablespoons of black chia seeds

1 cup of coconut water or milk

½ teaspoon of vanilla extract

¼ teaspoon of activated coconut charcoal powder

1 cup yoghurt of choice

Stevia, xylitol or natural sweetener to taste

1 cup fresh berries.


Put the chia seeds in a jar and slowly stir in the coconut water or milk until the chia seeds have soaked up the liquid and have plumped up. Add the vanilla and charcoal powder and mix. The mixture will turn black. Take 1/3 of chia mix and add ½ cup yoghurt and stir through to create a grey mixture. Layer the pudding in glasses, starting with a black layer of the chia seed mix, followed by a layer of the grey mixture and topped with a final layer of the remaining plain yoghurt. Decorate with berries and chill until ready to serve.

Website: The Table Bay

YouTube: https://youtube/YPUjVyEwXiQ

